Search Results for 'green week'

Birmingham based International Synergies Limited took centre stage at Green Week in Brussels last week, rubbing shoulders with leading figures from the European Commission, business, environmental and political world. Green Week is the largest annual conference on European environmental policy.  The theme for this year’s […]

Calling all lovers of German culture and German language! Several German themed events are coming to Birmingham to celebrate 50 years of partnership between Birmingham and Frankfurt cities: 17 November 9am Exporting to Frankfurt event for small and medium sized enterprises Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce and […]

The Birmingham Energy Savers (BES) programme has recently been featured in the EUROCITIES publication “GREEN JOBS FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION”. BES programme tackles fuel poverty and the presence of energy inefficient buildings that have a negative impact on the environment. The programme was launched to make the most […]

Birmingham based International Synergies took centre stage alongside some of the global leaders in sustainability at the Global Green Business Summit in Mexico last week (27th & 28th April). Peter Laybourn, Chief Executive of International Synergies, gave the keynote speech at this global event on […]

Exactly 50 years ago, on the 19th of April 1966 three cities Birmingham, Frankfurt and Lyon signed a partnership agreement that started unprecedented period of enhanced collaboration. Birmingham and Frankfurt are celebrating 50 years of joint working. Lyon has been partnered with both cities for […]

Councillor Lisa Trickett from Climate Change and Environment Department of the Birmingham City Council will participate in a Climate KIC event at COP21 in Paris. COP21 is a major conference taking place in 2015 to try and reach an international agreement on climate change. The event […]

Innovation is at the forefront of making Birmingham a competitive and economically-viable city. From 24th – 30th September, there will be a pop-up lab – the Operation Innovation Lab (OIL) – running which its host, Innovation Birmingham, are seeking collaborators to work extensively with local start-ups and […]

Senior officials from South Korea’s public authority for industrial development were in Birmingham this week to learn how the city’s industrial strategy could help shape the development of  51 industrial parks in their country. South Korea is one of the world’s most innovative countries, already […]

The Dutch Sustainability Business Association (De Groene Zaak) has International Synergies’ National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP), as one of 30 global examples supporting the drive to a circular economy. The case study on NISP is available on the newly launched website, which highlights initiatives […]

International Synergies is heading to Birmingham’s twin city of Milan later this week to present at Emerging Industries – A New Engine for Growth conference. The conference is organised by Regione Lombardia, with support of Éupolis Lombardia, in cooperation with European Commission’s Directorate – General for […]