Birmingham City Council’s European and International Affairs (EIA) team leads on European funding, including providing advice and guidance to Council teams and external partners on all matters relating to EU funding and policy.
Our track record includes:
- Helping secure £235 million for the EU Social Investment Fund (encompassing the European Social Fund (ESF), European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Youth Employment Initiative) for the Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership running from 2014-2020.
- Delivering the £53.5 million European Social Fund Innovation, Trans-nationality and Mainstreaming Programme on behalf of the Department for Work and Pensions (2009-2014).
- For the 2007-13 period we delivered c. £35 million of ERDF projects including £20m sustainable urban development package.
- During 2012-2013, we secured a further £9.8 million worth of new European Regional Development Funding to deliver six projects including:
- AIMHIGH which invests in innovative solutions to improve energy efficiency in hard-to-treat social housing.
- Marketing Birmingham accessed ERDF for its visitor and inward investment activities.
- There are grant assistance programmes ranging from start-ups and expansions to significant property assistance schemes of £1 million in value for expansion of small to medium-sized enterprises’ (SMEs) property and commercial activities.
- The expansion of the cross Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) Green Bridge project, helping SME companies become more sustainable by more efficient use of resources and reduced emissions, thereby helping companies to reduce costs and boost performance.