The Birmingham City University-led Urban Manufacturing project, which is concluding after five years of collaborative research, has helped a number of major European regions to improve their innovation offering and better support collaborative spaces, SMEs and students. Posted 18 July 2022 Providing support and enhancements […]
BETTER is gradually turning its focus from examining good practices to adopting them. The project’s mission requires the involved cities to stimulate their regional innovation chains by improving e-government solutions. In the past months, partner cities held three ‘Study visits’ as follows: While in earlier […]
BETTER carries on its five-stage, systematic process, through which e-government solutions are improved in the partner cities. Stages consist of 1. Assessing needs & assemble good practices, 2. Observe good practices, 3. Adopt good practices, 4. Improve policies and 5. Monitor policy improvements. The partner […]
BETTER is an Interreg Europe project of five city governments (Genoa- IT, Tartu-EE, Nyíregyháza-HU, Birmingham- UK and Gävle – SE) whose mission is to support public authorities to develop their regional innovation strategies and improve them with e-government services to stimulate regional innovation chain. BETTER […]
The BETTER team held its Thematic Event #3 in a virtual-only format due to continued public health concerns related to coronavirus / COVID-19, and to support the health and well-being of our stakeholders, staff and providers and other meeting participants. The event was initially planned […]
The BETTER project has officially commenced. Five partners have joined together to address a common challenge: how to encourage Public Authorities to develop Regional Innovation Strategies in which e-Government solutions improve their services and can stimulate regional innovation chains. The project will share and integrate […]
Newsletter #05 January 2022 Dear Readers, Welcome to the fifth Newsletter of the BETTER project! BETTER is an Interreg Europe project that focuses on the promotion of e-Government solutions. With our project we aim to create a win-win situation for everyone by enhancing the […]
OCTOBER 28, 2021 The Annual Tri-City Social Work Exchange between the cities of Birmingham, Chicago, and Hamburg concluded earlier this month. This year’s theme focused on the German approach known as Social Space Orientation, as an exploration of concepts from community capacity building, social work […]
Newsletter #04 July 2021 Dear Reader, Welcome to the fourth Newsletter of the BETTER project! BETTER is an Interreg Europe project that focuses on the promotion of e-Government solutions. With our project we aim to create a win-win situation for everyone by […]
Virtual Study Visit No. 1, 25.03.21 Tools and projects for participative budgeting (PB) and participative planning (PP) were the focus of the Interreg NW Europe ‘Better’ project’s first virtual, online study tour of the beautiful city of Nyíregyháza, Hungary. With a population of 120,000 and […]
19 April 2021 Cities are being invited to learn from leading innovative UK peers at a special national event this May. UK cities have seen some of the most challenging COVID-19 conditions this past year and one could be forgiven for thinking that all but […]
BETTER is an Interreg Europe project bringing together the city governments of Genoa- Italy; Gävle- Sweden; Birmingham- United Kingdom; Tartu- Estonia and Nyíregyháza- Hungary. These cities may have various excellences in the field of innovation, but they are similarly committed to stimulating their regional innovation […]