The Birmingham Energy Savers (BES) programme has recently been featured in the EUROCITIES publication “GREEN JOBS FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION”. BES programme tackles fuel poverty and the presence of energy inefficient buildings that have a negative impact on the environment.
The programme was launched to make the most of two national programmes for energy efficiency in buildings, the Green Deal and ECO, and was delivered through public-private partnership agreements with private companies who were responsible for installing communal heating, solar panels for council houses, and insulation of lofts, cavities and solid walls in large apartment blocks.
BES also tackled the issue of unemployment of vulnerable groups, such as people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and young people not in education.
The impact of the programme was impressive:
- 489 people from priority groups were assisted into job placements or training opportunities
- 2,480 training weeks were provided to the unemployed or those in low skilled jobs
- CO2 emissions per annum were reduced of 3,502 tonnes
- “Whole house” retrofits were carried out in seven tower buildings with social flats benefitting 3,226 households
For more information see the Birmingham Energy Savers programme website.