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2013 2014 agenda america america association anniversary association benefits of being in europe birmingham Birmingham Commonwealth Association brussels business chamber of commerce chicago china commonwealth conference een midlands environment ERDF EU funding eurocities europe event festival frankfurt funding horizon 2020 innovation International Synergies jamaica leipzig library of birmingham lyon meeting minutes sister city SMEs trade trade and export transport UK UKTI university of birmingham visit

Late on Christmas Eve 1914, men of the British Expeditionary Force heard the German soldiers singing carols and patriotic songs and saw lanterns and small fir trees along their trenches. Messages began to be shouted between the trenches. The following day, British and German soldiers […]

  Pupils from Baskerville School were enjoying free rides on the carousel on the German Christmas Market on Tuesday. The youngsters were among 1178 children from special schools in Birmingham enjoying free rides on the carousel at the Victoria Square this year, thanks to the generosity […]

As announced by the University of Birmingham, on 21 October 2014, the University signed a collaboration agreement with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (JCR) in Brussels. The Vice-Chancellor, Professor Sir David Eastwood attended the signing ceremony along with the JRC’s Director General Vladimir Sucha. The […]

“Social Services professionals worldwide are facing similar challenges due to common societal and economic problems. Issues such as child welfare, youth delinquency and an increasing elderly population have no national boundaries. The Chicago Sister Cities International (CSCI) Social Services Exchange Program believes that best practices […]

Local government experts met in Edinburgh on 28-29 October to look at devolution and decentralisation challenges faced by councils in European countries that are part of the Commonwealth. The Confederation of Scottish Local Authorities kindly hosted the recent CLGF European members meeting. This event comprises […]