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2013 2014 agenda america america association anniversary association benefits of being in europe birmingham Birmingham Commonwealth Association brussels business chamber of commerce chicago china commonwealth conference een midlands environment ERDF EU funding eurocities europe event festival frankfurt funding horizon 2020 innovation International Synergies jamaica leipzig library of birmingham lyon meeting minutes sister city SMEs trade trade and export transport UK UKTI university of birmingham visit

The Dutch Sustainability Business Association (De Groene Zaak) has International Synergies’ National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP), as one of 30 global examples supporting the drive to a circular economy. The case study on NISP is available on the newly launched website, which highlights initiatives […]

There’s been a renewed interest in the city in ensuring that Birmingham is doing all it can to get it’s fair share of Chinese ‘investment’ in to the city. The perceived tidal wave of China cash coming in to the UK is passing Birmingham by […]

Birmingham City Council were delighted to welcome US Embassy representatives for a two day visit on 26th and 27th January 2015.  Ms Victoria King, First Secretary, Economics, Justine Lancaster, Political Specialist and Dan Burford, Safety Program Coordinator are the official new Team Birmingham for the embassy.  The […]

A visit by a representative of the President’s Office of the Republic of Korea to International Synergies has paved the way for collaboration between the two countries.  Ms LeeRang Song, Assistant Director for the Office of the Secretary to the President for Trade, Industry and […]

Last week, Cllr Lisa Trickett and Anne Shaw, Head of Transport Services, visited Brussels in order to push the urban mobility agenda forward in the European Parliament. Alongside Deputy Mayor of Malmo (Sweden), Milan Obradovic, they met with the office of Karima Delli MEP from […]