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2013 2014 agenda america america association anniversary association benefits of being in europe birmingham Birmingham Commonwealth Association brussels business chamber of commerce chicago china commonwealth conference een midlands environment ERDF EU funding eurocities europe event festival frankfurt funding horizon 2020 innovation International Synergies jamaica leipzig library of birmingham lyon meeting minutes sister city SMEs trade trade and export transport UK UKTI university of birmingham visit

Here are a few highlights from the Leipzig exhibition held at Thursday, 17th September at the Nest in Birmingham (Glenn Howells Architects). The exhibition by Leipzig based artist, Sven Bergelt, was to portray the artist’s perception of Birmingham’s architecture in the three months he has been […]

On 9th September, The Birmingham Commonwealth Association (BCA) held a special dinner to celebrate the day the Head of the Commonwealth, HM Queen Elizabeth II, became the longest reigning monarch in British history. The dinner, hosted at Aston University Business School, had approximately 150 people in attendance with […]

EU membership for Birmingham has injected a wealth of knowledge, positivity and physical reward for the city. From the infographic below, we can see the physical changes and improvements Birmingham has received from European Regional Development Funding (ERDF) and European Social Funding (ESF) from Europe […]

This year’s Eat, Eat, Eat Festival featured talent from all Leipzig’s partner cities, including Birmingham. Organised by The Blues Agency, Stadt Leipzig and the Flying Music Circus, the festival took place on 28 – 29 August in the German city of Leipzig. The main attraction was the ‘Central Indulgence Mile’ […]

Birmingham Lord Mayor, Raymond Hassall took part in an event organised for HM Queen Elisabeth II during her visit to Frankfurt on 25 June 2015. He was officially invited by the Mayor of Frankfurt, Peter Feldmann and Volker Bouffier, Minister-President of the Garman State of Hesse to take […]