News - Europe

The EU-China Urbanisation Partnership Forum took place on 29 June in Brussels, on the day of the 10th EU-China Summit. The EU-China Partnership on Urbanisation is an overarching instrument brought to life to support China and the EU to improve the functioning and attractiveness of […]

The Birmingham Made Me initiative showcased its dazzling designs in the heart of Milan’s busy shopping district at the Urban Centre in the Galleria Vittorio Emanuele.  A number of young designers’ creations were showcased including Robert Renton’s clothing, James Plant design and Monique Lee Millinery’s […]

The Birmingham Energy Savers (BES) programme has recently been featured in the EUROCITIES publication “GREEN JOBS FOR SOCIAL INCLUSION”. BES programme tackles fuel poverty and the presence of energy inefficient buildings that have a negative impact on the environment. The programme was launched to make the most […]

The diversity advantage challenge is a contest by the Council of Europe initiated in 2014 to promote a new approach to managing increasingly diverse societies. It is a contest for the best real-life stories of the successful involvement of people of different cultural (ethnic, religious, linguistic) […]

Teams from four of Birmingham’s European twin cities arrived to the city on Sunday 3rd May to take part in the first ever Birmingham European Capital of Running Team 10k Cup, as part of the Morrisons Great Birmingham 10k. The cities that participated in the event […]