News - Europe

Birmingham is vice chair, alongside Vienna who is chair, of a new EUROCITIES taskforce on the EU Urban Agenda. The role of the taskforce is to lead EUROCITIES’ input into the EU urban agenda to ensure that the urban issues are fully recognised and reflected […]

Four Birmingham care leavers have been able to undertake work experience at the Marriott Hotel in Birmingham’s partner city of Frankfurt as part of the Willkommen Project. The Willkommen Project is led by Catch 22, a UK charity that works with care leavers, in partnership […]

Links between the Midlands-based British Culinary Federation and Lyon-based chef organisation, Les Toques Blanches Lyonnaises, were formally renewed at Birmingham Council House on 7 April. The relationship between the two chef organisations has been in place since the first signing of the Protocole d’Entente in […]

A number of internationally significant conferences, debates, events and film screenings around the topic of climate change have been taking place at Millennium Point this March. At the Climate Change Conference – China-Europe 2020 Smart Low Carbon Cities & Technologies earlier this month participants had […]

Birmingham hosted a joint meeting of the EUROCITIES Environment and Mobility Forum on 19-20 March. Councillor James McKay, Birmingham City Council Cabinet Member for a Green, Safe and Smart City, is currently Chair of the EUROCITIES Environment forum. The topic of the meeting was “Sustainable […]