News - Europe

The European Commission Vice-President for the Energy Union, Mr Maroš Šefčovič, hosted a high level round table on the strategic role of smart cities for tackling energy challenges in Brussels on 25 February. Sir Albert Bore presented how Birmingham is improving the energy efficiency of […]

The 9th of March marked an important milestone for the delivery of Birmingham’s European and International Strategy. For the first time since its launch, the four chairs of the area based associations met with the Leader of the Council, Sir Albert Bore. They talked about […]

Birmingham City Council welcomed two delegates from the Catalan capital, Mr Alex Masllorens, the Deputy General Manager of Social Services, and Mrs Angels Canals, the Director of the Municipal Institute of Social Services. The purpose of their visit was to find out more about how […]

On 26 February EUROCITIES launched its Declaration on Work and called for the EU to work more closely with, and allocate more resources directly to, cities to ensure that EU funds really make a difference to tackling the employment crisis. Launched in the presence of […]

The Dutch Sustainability Business Association (De Groene Zaak) has International Synergies’ National Industrial Symbiosis Programme (NISP), as one of 30 global examples supporting the drive to a circular economy. The case study on NISP is available on the newly launched website, which highlights initiatives […]