Search Results for 'strategy'

Making the case for cities as key partners in European Transport Strategy, Brussels, 20 April 2015 Cllr Lisa Trickett visited Brussels to meet new Transport Commissioner Violeta Bulc in order to push the urban mobility agenda forward in the European Commission. Alongside Deputy Mayor of […]

The 9th of March marked an important milestone for the delivery of Birmingham’s European and International Strategy. For the first time since its launch, the four chairs of the area based associations met with the Leader of the Council, Sir Albert Bore. They talked about […]

The Birmingham City University-led Urban Manufacturing project, which is concluding after five years of collaborative research, has helped a number of major European regions to improve their innovation offering and better support collaborative spaces, SMEs and students. Posted 18 July 2022 Providing support and enhancements […]

19 April 2021 Cities are being invited to learn from leading innovative UK peers at a special national event this May. UK cities have seen some of the most challenging COVID-19 conditions this past year and one could be forgiven for thinking that all but […]

  An ecosystem is like a finely tuned Swiss watch.  Poetry in motion if you have all the relevant cogs and springs in place, but with one wheel out of kilter, the movement can go to pot.  Investment in people and skills is the oil […]

The room was brimming with excitement at the launch for the Birmingham local partnership stakeholder event on 3rd October 2019 at Birmingham Council House. There was a fantastic turn out from a variety of organisations including: Birmingham City University, the Innovation Alliance, Birmingham Public Health, […]

It is not only the destination that is important, but the journey In the midst of the relentless momentum of the project life cycle, the peer review experience has offered a wonderful opportunity to pause and reflect upon the policy challenge that we have set […]

Why is the Urban M project of interest to you/ to your organisation?   In my role as Interim Head of Employment and Skills, I am always keen to support projects which address one of our city’s most important challenges:  the low skill level in […]

The kick off meeting for the Urban Manufacturing project was a fantastic initial opportunity to meet project managers and policy representatives from the seven other partnerships.  As host city we wanted to give partners a flavour of what Birmingham has to offer in terms of […]

This is a list of forthcoming EU calls for proposals.   Call name Short description Link Deadline Prevent and combat gender-based violence and violence against children Priorities are primary prevention of gender-based violence (GBV) (i.e. changing social attitudes and behaviour, in order to end tolerance […]