Search Results for 'mobility'

The World Summit on Climate and Territories, organised by the major international networks of non-state actors, held at the Headquarters of the Rhône- Alpes Regional Council took place on 1-2 July. It was brought to life as a response to the upsurge in interest in […]

Last week, Cllr Lisa Trickett and Anne Shaw, Head of Transport Services, visited Brussels in order to push the urban mobility agenda forward in the European Parliament. Alongside Deputy Mayor of Malmo (Sweden), Milan Obradovic, they met with the office of Karima Delli MEP from […]

Birmingham hosted a joint meeting of the EUROCITIES Environment and Mobility Forum on 19-20 March. Councillor James McKay, Birmingham City Council Cabinet Member for a Green, Safe and Smart City, is currently Chair of the EUROCITIES Environment forum. The topic of the meeting was “Sustainable […]

Birmingham hosts a joint meeting of the EUROCITIES Environment Forum and Mobility Forum on the theme of “Sustainable mobility for cleaner air, less noise, less CO2”. Around 80 environmental and transport policy specialists from cities throughout Europe will attend this meeting.

                           Newsletter #05                                        January 2022        Dear Readers,  Welcome to the fifth Newsletter of the BETTER project! BETTER is an Interreg Europe project that focuses on the promotion of e-Government solutions. With our project we aim to create a win-win situation for everyone by enhancing the […]

  Cows wearing GPS collars and food vans predicting the locations of potential customers were just some of the good practices presented at the Better project thematic event in the week of 15th June 2020.  The Better project – stimulating regional innovation through better e-government […]

Councillor Waseem Zaffar, Cabinet Member for Transport and Sustainability, and Philip Edwards, Assistant Director Transportation and Connectivity, visited Frankfurt on 24 October to work on new strategies to improve Birmingham’s sustainable transport infrastructure. The study visit included meetings with the Frankfurt’s Economic Development GmbH, the […]

The BCA Education Group draws support from the major universities/colleges and beyond to celebrate and recognise the significance of our Commonwealth connections.   We aim to: Develop an international dimension of collaborative engagement between Birmingham’s educational institutions and their Commonwealth counterparts. Foster social and academic […]

Birmingham City Council (BCC) and the European and International Affairs (EIA) team is currently involved in several transnational projects including: Climate Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC)(Created by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology) aims to transform innovative ideas in the field of climate change into […]

In February 2014, the GBSLEP published the European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) Strategy for 2014-2012, outlining how the resources are to be distributed. European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) | GBSLEP This document forms part of the Strategic Economic Plan and outlines the role of […]