Search Results for 'Food Policy'
Since the launch of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact (MUFPP) on the occasion of World Food Day 2015 at Expo Milano, the collaboration continues between the FAO and the members of the MUFPP, which includes the city of Birmingham and other 166 across the world. […]
On the 15th October 2015, Birmingham became the 46th signatory of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact. The official signatory ceremony took place in Birmingham’s sister city itself, coinciding with the 2015 Milan Expo and with the attendance of over 500 people, including representatives from […]
The Urban Manufacturing project has been going for just about a year now and I have taken part in two policy clinics. What are policy clinics? I hear you ask. Well basically, each of the transnational partners has the opportunity to organise a ‘clinic’ or […]
Birmingham hosted its first meeting of the EUROCITIES Food working group on 8-10 February. Participants included: public health experts, social workers, city councils, agricultural experts, environment and sustainability experts and urban planners from the cities: Almere, Ghent, Lyon, Porto, Venice, Milan, Utrecht, Athens, Edinburgh, Preston, Turin, Venice, Gothenburg, Milan […]
The EUROCITIES working group on food is meeting in Birmingham this week (8/2/17). The meeting will consist of a series of events over three days. The working group aims to become a “creative hub” for sharing information, ideas, best practices as well as experimenting with innovative solutions […]
The Committee of the Regions, the official EU body representing the views of local & regional government, is offering a free online course on EU decision making and the impact of the EU on local policies. More info below and attached for those interested. Regions, […]
Cows wearing GPS collars and food vans predicting the locations of potential customers were just some of the good practices presented at the Better project thematic event in the week of 15th June 2020. The Better project – stimulating regional innovation through better e-government […]
Birmingham City Council’ Public Health team has won the ‘Award for the Sustainable Diets and Nutrition category’ at a high profile event in Rome today (14.10.2016) attended by Mayors and senior politicians including Italian PM Renzi, plus Vatican representatives. The prestigious award was bestowed by […]
Newsletter #05 January 2022 Dear Readers, Welcome to the fifth Newsletter of the BETTER project! BETTER is an Interreg Europe project that focuses on the promotion of e-Government solutions. With our project we aim to create a win-win situation for everyone by enhancing the […]
Newsletter #04 July 2021 Dear Reader, Welcome to the fourth Newsletter of the BETTER project! BETTER is an Interreg Europe project that focuses on the promotion of e-Government solutions. With our project we aim to create a win-win situation for everyone by […]