BETTER is an Interreg Europe project of five city governments (Genoa- IT, Tartu-EE, Nyíregyháza-HU, Birmingham- UK and Gävle – SE) whose mission is to support public authorities to develop their regional innovation strategies and improve them with e-government services to stimulate regional innovation chain.
BETTER commenced in August 2019, and is being built in a systematic fashion. stage 01 was devoted to assess the learning needs and assemble good practices in the field of innovation driven e-government solutions. Up to this time the project partners held four Thematic Events in the following key areas:
Thematic Events helped partners to identify their specific learning needs and to collect good practices having the potential to stimulate their innovation chains.
In stage 02, partners are to focus their attention to the selected good practices through 10 in-depth Study Visits, where hosts and visitors analyse them in action and assess how the visitors can best adopt them. Given the focus of BETTER, the events will have a high level of involvement from stakeholders and key decision-makers.
Due to continued public health concerns related to coronavirus / COVID-19, until travelling and entering restrictions are in place, the Study Visits will be held in a virtual-only format.
For the results of the events and more information about BETTER please visit us at or