European Structural and Investment Fund (ESIF) Call Roadshow, 12 April 2016

Greater Birmingham and Solihull Local Enterprise Partnership is hosting a Roadshow event related to the following April/May 2016 funding calls:

ERDF P4 (Low Carbon) and P6 (EnvironmESIF Logoent)

Guest speakers will include DCLG’s National Lead on P4 & P6 – Mark Joslyn and an overview on the National Programme by DCLG’s Kathryn Dews.



ESF P2.1 (Access to Lifelong Learning) and P2.2 (Improving the labour market relevance of education and training systems)

Speakers to be confirmed


The Roadshow event will take place on:

Tuesday 12th April in the Chamber at Birmingham Council House B1 1BB

  • ERDF P4 and P6 Call Session – 1:00pm – 2:30pm (with a breakout session available from 2:30pm)
  • ESF P2 Call Session – 2:30pm – 4:00pm

To register your interest in attending this Roadshow, please email highlighting if you want to attend the ERDF session, ESF session or both.

The Chamber can hold 70 people so please ensure you book your place ASAP.