Search Results for 'URBACT'
URBACT III will celebrate its official launch in Brussels on the 16th of March 2015. Our colleagues from Brussels Office will be attending an event organised by the European Commission which gives us a good reason to look into URBACT at glance: URBACT’s mission is to […]
19 April 2021 Cities are being invited to learn from leading innovative UK peers at a special national event this May. UK cities have seen some of the most challenging COVID-19 conditions this past year and one could be forgiven for thinking that all but […]
An ecosystem is like a finely tuned Swiss watch. Poetry in motion if you have all the relevant cogs and springs in place, but with one wheel out of kilter, the movement can go to pot. Investment in people and skills is the oil […]
‘Creative spill-over: benefits arising from the activities of Culture and Creative Industries (CCIs), including artists and creative professionals, which determine positive effects on other sectors of the economy or society.’ The Smart Guide to Creative Spill-overs, KEA European Affairs As the leading city, Birmingham hosted […]