What does Brexit mean for the regional economies and industries? – Event at Aston Centre for Europe, 21 July 2016

Regional economic development in question


Aston Centre for Europe

Thursday 21 July 2016

Venue: Aston Business School, Aston University

Conference Room 1



1.30 pm: arrival and coffee


2.00 pm: Panel 1: Brexit and Britain’s economic development: what can we expect for the regions and industries?

Anneliese Dodds, MEP and member, Economic and Monetary Affairs Committee

Lee Hopley, Chief Economist, EEF, the Manufacturers’ Organisation

David Bailey, Professor of Industry, Aston Business School and analyst of the West Midlands economy

Stephanie Wall, Senior Policy and Patronage Advisor, Greater Birmingham Chambers of Commerce


3.30 pm Coffee break


3.45 pm: Panel 2 Brexit and workers’ rights in the UK: regional implications in the West Midlands and beyond

Tony Burke, Assistant General Secretary, Unite the Union

Siôn Simon MEP, Employment and Social Affairs Committee, European Parliament

Paul Forrest, West Midlands Economic Forum

Les Budd, Reader in Social Enterprise, Open University Business School


5.15 pm: Close of conference and reception, hosted by the Aston Centre for Europe


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