As part of the 50th anniversary our city celebrates with Frankfurt this year, Bournville Young Singers (BYS) hosted 55 members of the Frankfurt Cathedral Youth Choir who also joined them for their own 30th anniversary Gala concert on the 24th of April.
The journey of the Frankfurt singers was co-funded by the City of Frankfurt and the Goethe Institut, and the children were hosted by members of the Bournville singer families. At the day of their arrival, the Lord Mayor of Birmingham Cllr Raymond Hassall hosted a civic reception for both choirs.
On Sunday, at the Ruddock Performing Arts Centre the Bournville 30th Anniversary Gala Concert took place with the attendance of the Deputy Lord Mayor, Hon. Alderman Len Gregory and his wife as well as Alexander L’Estrange and Liz Johnson, Patrons of Bounville Young Singers.
Bournville Young Singers visited Frankfurt on the 29th of May and sang together with the Frankfurt Cathedral Choir at a concert in the Frankfurt Cathedral. Both choirs were accompanied by the Frankfurt Cathedral’s Chamber Orchestra and their repertoire included: “All things bright and beautiful” by John Rutter (only BYS), “How beautiful are thy tabernacles” by Georg Philipp Telemann, “Magnificat” by Marc-Antoine Charpentier, “Nunc dimittis” by Samuel Jacobi and Vivaldi’s “Et in terra pax” from Gloria.