Search Results for 'open innovation slam'
The community voting for the Climate-KIC Open Innovation Slam is now on and everybody is invited to vote until 21 September. You can have 5 votes to be distributed to 5 ideas. The ideas with the most votes will move on to the jury voting. […]
In light of the Open Innovation Lab week hosted by Innovation Birmingham from 24th – 30th September, Climate-KIC will launch the Accelerator Innovation and Sustainability Conference giving and insight into innovation and sustainability. The conference is to be held at Innovation Birmingham Ltd on 23rd September as […]
Innovation is at the forefront of making Birmingham a competitive and economically-viable city. From 24th – 30th September, there will be a pop-up lab – the Operation Innovation Lab (OIL) – running which its host, Innovation Birmingham, are seeking collaborators to work extensively with local start-ups and […]
If you have a creative mind, and are an SME, a web entrepreneur or an ICT developer with a good idea for offering a smarter urban life to Europe’s citizens in areas such as quality of life, mobility, resource efficiency, tourism, cultural heritage, health and […]
The Cross Innovation Conference is coming to Birmingham on 16 and 17 October 2014, taking place at Birmingham City University. It will bring together leading thinkers from across Europe, exploring co-creation, policy, technology and design. Topics like creative collaboration, use of city space and financial […]
Cross Innovation is a process through which the creative industries collaborate with other growth sectors to generate new ideas, services and products. Please join us for an international event looking at how Birmingham can develop policies to support this way of working, based on the learning derived […]
BETTER is an Interreg Europe project bringing together the city governments of Genoa- Italy; Gävle- Sweden; Birmingham- United Kingdom; Tartu- Estonia and Nyíregyháza- Hungary. These cities may have various excellences in the field of innovation, but they are similarly committed to stimulating their regional innovation […]
BETTER is gradually turning its focus from examining good practices to adopting them. The project’s mission requires the involved cities to stimulate their regional innovation chains by improving e-government solutions. In the past months, partner cities held three ‘Study visits’ as follows: While in earlier […]
BETTER carries on its five-stage, systematic process, through which e-government solutions are improved in the partner cities. Stages consist of 1. Assessing needs & assemble good practices, 2. Observe good practices, 3. Adopt good practices, 4. Improve policies and 5. Monitor policy improvements. The partner […]
BETTER is an Interreg Europe project of five city governments (Genoa- IT, Tartu-EE, Nyíregyháza-HU, Birmingham- UK and Gävle – SE) whose mission is to support public authorities to develop their regional innovation strategies and improve them with e-government services to stimulate regional innovation chain. BETTER […]