Search Results for 'Innovation and sustainability conference'
In light of the Open Innovation Lab week hosted by Innovation Birmingham from 24th – 30th September, Climate-KIC will launch the Accelerator Innovation and Sustainability Conference giving and insight into innovation and sustainability. The conference is to be held at Innovation Birmingham Ltd on 23rd September as […]
An ecosystem is like a finely tuned Swiss watch. Poetry in motion if you have all the relevant cogs and springs in place, but with one wheel out of kilter, the movement can go to pot. Investment in people and skills is the oil […]
Councillor Waseem Zaffar, Cabinet Member for Transport and Sustainability, and Philip Edwards, Assistant Director Transportation and Connectivity, visited Frankfurt on 24 October to work on new strategies to improve Birmingham’s sustainable transport infrastructure. The study visit included meetings with the Frankfurt’s Economic Development GmbH, the […]
The Tenth Anniversary of friendship and exchange between Birmingham and Nanjing was marked by a visit from Birmingham’s partner city on 12th September 2018. The ten strong delegation, led by the Party Secretary, Mr Zhang Jinghua, met with Council Leader Cllr Ian Ward and Bham […]
Plans for the Birmingham 2022 handover ceremony are well under way for Sunday, 15th April. The Gold Coast 2018 Commonwealth Games Closing Ceremony will take place then and will include performances from Carrara Stadium (Gold Coast, Australia) and part-live from Birmingham. Three artists have been […]
It was pleasing to hear that the Minister recognised the great potential the Commonwealth has confirming that 90% of the worlds growth will be outside the EU. He noted the launch of the Greater Birmingham Commonwealth Chamber of Commerce on Monday 12th March and that […]
Businesses and regional partners from the West Midlands are being encouraged to drive forward the Midlands Engine and take part in its inaugural market visit to the USA and Canada this autumn. The first in a series of market visits was announced by Government at […]
Regional economic development in question Aston Centre for Europe Thursday 21 July 2016 Venue: Aston Business School, Aston University Conference Room 1 1.30 pm: arrival and coffee 2.00 pm: Panel 1: Brexit and Britain’s economic development: what can we expect for […]
This conference will present findings from the EU FP7 funded research project, CITISPYCE, into social innovation of and for young people against inequalities in Europe post-2008 and will set out recommendations for future policies and practice. It will provide opportunities for debate and reflection between […]
UKTI are hosting a series of trade missions to offer guidance, support and funding for West Midlands businesses looking to make serious sales overseas. This is an ideal opportunity to visit your market of choice and: meet future suppliers, customers and partners. learn about the […]